

Yoga Classes in Dubai

"Live Your Life with Intention"

Mat Yoga | Sound Healing | Aerial Yoga

Why Yoga?

Each and every one of us feels under some kind of pressure at certain times, but when we step into our yoga class whether it’s yin yoga, beginner yoga, yoga, and aerial yoga or sound healing, we feel lighter, we don’t carry any of the heavy thoughts that disturb our peace, we feel FREE, free just to be. With freedom comes creativity, with freedom comes happiness, and from freedom love is born. join me in my yoga classes in Dubai

Find The Balance in Your Life


Mat Yoga

Because we believe that every body is a yoga body, and that NOW is the perfect time to start yoga. We offer you a wide range of yoga classes to choose the class that suits your goals in this present moment.


Swing Yoga

Swing yoga is a modern and fun yoga style, especially if you love hanging upside down. In swing yoga we get stronger, more flexible by defying the gravity and working with the fabric.


Sound Healing

The power of sound is infinite, Sound healing was used a long time ago to cure some diseases, nowadays the science is discovering more and more the benefits of Sound in healing reducing stress, anxiety, and restoring the energy.


I've been doing Yoga with Yara for almost a year now (2 sessions per week). I look forward to these sometimes sweaty and sometimes stretchy sessions, and I have made a lot of progress under Yara's supervision, who is a perfect combination of inspiring and capable Yoga teacher.

A perfect combination of inspiring and capable


I have been training with Yara for one year now.

I started the classes with her after a tough period in my life, and what a difference she made!

It was not only the yoga practice with her but her persona that made life much better.

She was a delight having around, a breath of fresh air. She always managed to brighten the day. I became stronger not only physically but mentally too. I can't thank her enough for what she has done.

What a difference she made!

Rasha AD

From the first class, I have enjoyed Yara's enthusiasm, love of Yoga, and demeanour.

She makes everyone feel welcome and comfortable while pushing our limits to achieve more.

Thank you Yara for making me a regular in the Swing Yoga Classes.

She makes everyone feel welcome

Nadine Naemeh

I look forward to Vinyasa and Yin Yoga with Yara every week. Not only because they helped me a lot with my back pain, improved my strength, flexibility and the overall quality of my life but also because Yara is attentive knowledgeable and makes sure everybody is progressing constantly at their own pace.

Improved my strength, flexibility

Mohamed Al Hadid

الحصص مع يارا تملأ داخلي بالنشاط والايجابية

تقريبا كملت السنة مع حصص اليوغا مع يارا في البداية كنت متخوفة وحاسة انو الحصص ممكن تكون ثقيلة وخاصة اني امارس الرياضة بقلة

ولكن لما جربتها أول مرة حبيتها وشوية شوية أدمنتها وأصبحت أشعر بالسعادة بعد كل حصة ويمتد معايا هالشعور لنهاية اليوم

ما أعرف هو السر في اليوغا أو في يارا

ما أعرف هو السر في اليوغا أو في يارا

د إبتهال درويش

A great experience that transformed into a journey with Ms Yara.

She is an instructor who balances creativity and technique for deep enhancement effective on the body, mind and spirit.

Highly recommended for everyone.

A great experience

Farah Yamot

المدربة يارا من أفضل المدربات اللي مرو علي ما شاء الله محترفة وفاهمة شغلها وودودة و تشجع المتدرب على الحركات الصعبة في اليوغا وتخلي المتدرب يؤمن في نفسه انه قادر على الصعب لأنها تشوف قدرات وامكانات المتدرب وتؤمن انه يقدر

محترفة وفاهمة شغلها وودودة


Yara is an attentive Yoga teacher!

She is very knowledgeable, she is always helping students to adjust their postures and progress their practice.

Practicing with Yara has made me feel more peaceful and stronger.

I highly recommended to yogis of all levels.

Attentive Yoga teacher!

AJ Shriem

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Questions or concerns?

Feel free to contact me with any questions or inquiries, or to learn more about our class schedules. 

Yin Yoga | Beginner Yoga | Aerial Yoga | Sound Healing


Time Square, Motor city, Palm Jumeirah, Sport City – Dubai  – UAE

+971 56 2812232



Monday – Friday: 5:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Sunday: Off

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