Books Recommendations

These are few books that I read and I want to share with you, I believe the great gift you can give yourself is the time to read. enjoy

The Seat of The Soul
Gary Zukav
This is one of my favourite books. It just makes you realize how happy you can be with very small things. the real happiness is inside of us if we are willing to let go of life conditions.
Being Nobody, Going Nowhere
Ayya Khema
Amazing book about meditation, to learn more about the technique, the benefits and to reach a higher level of freedom.
Waking Up
Sam Harris

There is no greater gift than seeing and knowing the truth, the truth about yourself once you understand yourself and start to wake up in our troubled world you will find the path of your deep happiness.

Living Untethered
Michael A. Singer

The power of letting go is so profound. if you can get hold of such power you will defiantly live with pure joy. this is such an amazing book, that can leave you in blessed stat for days. 

The Prophet
Gibran Khalil Gibran
This is a book that you can enjoy every single page yet learn a life lesson from every sentence. This book was great once was published and it will carry its value over the years.
Homos Deus
Yuval Noah Harari

This book is more about facts, or history telling, barley any new information however brings a deep understanding about human conditioning & behaviour.    

The Way of Integrity
Martha Beck
The light was a blessed preview of the way i could feel, once I’d released myself from the countless errors I’d picked up during my sojourn on earth. That is the way of integrity
Yuval Noah Harari

Understanding the evolution of the humans, and how we invented societies, lows, and applied a lot of condition on people’s life, will defiantly bring the awareness of how we can set ourselves free from all that. and life in a healthy harmonized way. 

The Cafe on The Edge of The World
John Strelecky

Nice light novel with a great message, the writer invites us to stope for a second and just be, then we will find all the answers of our life’s quintons. 

The Universe in a Single Atom
Dalai Lama

The connection between Science and Spirituality, in this book the Dalai Lama talks about his teachers and how understanding modern science help him in his spiritual path.  

Seven Thousand Ways to Listen
Mark Nepo

Ohhh, this book is a heart opening one, if you just can let go of all judgments and expectation and just listen to what the universe is trying to tell you, you will find wonders. just listen and there are so many ways to listen. 

Into The Magic Shop
James R. Doty. MD

This is a great book from the founder of Center for compassion & Altruism research about how he was first introduced to meditation and how that changed his life.
Every time things don’t go my way; I remember this book and how you can definitely control your life.

Wishes Fulfilled
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

This great man teaching is so powerful, manifesting the life you want is in your power and he puts it in a very simple easy to grasp way. 

Daring Greatly
Brené Brown

Being courageous is being vulnerable, there is no shame of being open and talking about your struggles and Flawses, but make sure to draw your line and be vulnerable with the people who earned it. 

Braving The Wilderness
Brené Brown

How to be who you are, that what Brene is saying in this book

Atlas of The Heart
Brené Brown

Amazing book if you are interned in defining the emotions and know the deference between them.