My Story

Who I am


My name is Yara Barqawi, I am Palestinian, but I was born and raised in my beloved Syria. My friends call me super mom as I have 3 kids.

I moved to UAE, Dubai with my husband in 2013 and I live here with my beautiful family since then.

I was always that girl who will question everything and don’t take no for an answer, I believe that everyone can create the life they desire and can be as creative in panting their life canvas as they want. Trying to make difference in the word I decide to study architectural hoping that if we change how our building and accommodations designed into a more human and nature friendly sustainable design, we can change how human run and proceed their lives.

Following that path, I volunteered in the Syrian Red Crescent in attempted to help as many people as I can to improve their life, I did 10 years of voluntary work in which I was the head of International Humanitarian law, First aid and disaster management trainer. It was absolutely an amazing journey where I met wonderful people sharing the same passion and we get to accomplish a lot.

The Transition


After the unfortunate turn of the events in my beloved Syria in 2013, me and my husband decided to move to Dubai with our little 2 girls looking for a safe place to continue our life.

Starting from scratch in new country was not easy, especially after having our third kid, so I decided to be a staying home mom to take care of the little ones and do my best to make this transition easy for them and their father which did last for 6 years. During that time I did my best to make everyone happy, staying strong during the struggle of settling, and keep the life balance , what I didn’t realize then that I was melting from the inside, I was losing myself trying to help other finding themselves. I started gym and heavy exercises which felt good at the moment but couldn’t fill the void I had inside. Then I found my way to yoga, and suddenly the void in me was not that empty any more something felt full in my heart and peace found its way to my mind. I knew at that moment this practice will change everything.

Finding my Path


after few years of a yoga practice I followed my new passion and took 200YRT to be a yoga teacher and I began a new journey in my life which brought a lot a love, happiness and peace to myself and everyone around me.

It was all a work of serendipity.

Being a yoga teacher, my goal is to help people live a happy, healthy and balanced life.

We all get drifted to some extremes in our life, and what this new sedentary lifestyle we all live nowadays but us under a lot of mental stress, physical pain, anxiety and sleeping problems, but we can take charge of our life and take care of ourselves by practicing yoga.

When I practice Yoga, I feel happy strong, balanced, beautiful, and in love with myself. let's practice together, fill up our cup and transform the word to a happy place